國玉堂是一間以與中國文化和藝術淵源深厚的古董器物,古代及近代傢俱和裝飾藝術品,中國書畫與表現近現代中國風貌的寫實油畫作品為主要展示項目,不以商業經營為目標的藝術公司。 中國的文明有數千年的歷史,源遠流長,文化藝術傲然屹立於世界文化藝術之林,在中國日益開放及商業化的今日,這些文化藝術因為顯現出其深厚的內涵與魅力而更為世人所重。 國玉堂的藏品收藏經年,來源以中國的北方為主,但並不局限於此一地域。 |
The aim of Kwok Yuk Tong is collecting and keeping the art pieces and articles which indicates and shows the changes of Chinese history and culture in different era. Including but not limited to antiques, fine art, antique and old Chinese furniture, original Chinese ink paintings and calligraphies, also the oil paintings which describes China and it's people. The collections of Kwok Yuk Tong since the 90's of last century, A large portion of the collection are from northern part of China, but also from other area . |